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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  November 20, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PST

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it puts too much pressure on employees fear of losing a good raise could prevent them from taking the unlimited time. they may end up taking off less time than before. "early start" continues right now. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> all right. our breaking news this morning, a gunman opening fire in the florida state university library. three people wounded. what we are learning this morning. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. john berman is off this morning. it is thursday, november 20th. 5:00 a.m. in the east. following breaking news. gunshots ringing out inside florida state main library. a witness said she heard two shots, possibly more as people rushed out of the building crying just after midnight. >> we were on the first floor and we heard two shots, but while we were being moved up the
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stairwells, we were on the third floor and heard from outside about five or six rifle shots go off. rapid fire. >> the unidentified gunman was shot and killed by campus police after refusing to drop his weapon and after firing on those officers. three patients with gunshot wounds treated at a local hospital. we do not know their conditions yet. joining us on the phone right now is perry kostikdakis. the sports editor at fsu. perry, bring us up to speed. you have been covering this story. this breaking news story on campus. we know the gunman is dead. what are authorities telling you about the condition of the three wounded victims? >> we know for sure that one of the victims is in critical condition. we heard another is stable and as for the third, we have not heard too much.
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we have not been given an update. we confirmed from the hospital two were admitted. there is speculation as to the severity of the third's condition, but nothing confirmed. >> let's talk about what would have been the scene in that library. the main library on campus. wednesday night into thursday morning. 12:30 a.m. it's finals. everyone is preparing for or taking finals. what would have been the scene inside there? a crowded library you expect? >> definitely a crowded library. the first and second floors specifically are more social floors where there is a bit more talking encouraged. there's more study groups in that area. especially on a wednesday night around that time, hundreds of students could have been in the area. >> what do we know about the location inside the library where this took place? are witnesses telling you where this was? the first floor or second floor? what exactly happened?
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>> we haven't heard specifically which floor or confirmed that as well. we do know that the gunman was on a floor. he took some shots. police were on the scene instantly. they told him to drop his weapon. he did not comply. that's why he was shot himself. after that, police got on the intercom and begin announcing to the students in the area that there was a gunman in the area and lock their doors. >> there was an emergency alert that went out almost immediately. i know authorities said they have a system in place where they can immediately press a button and all of the students are warned to take shelter. this happened at 12:30 in the morning and by now it is 5:00 a.m. in the east. it seems as though the dangerous situation is over. what do you make of the police and fsu response to all of this? >> i think especially given some
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of the criticism that they reacted very well. we got alerts sent to our phones and e-mail alerts instantly. they contained the situation quickly. it could have been a lot worse based on the number of people in there. i think students don't feel safenesaf safe necessarily because it did happen, but by how it did happen. >> there will be a press conference in the next hour. we will learn more. at this point, no one is saying whether this gunman is a student, correct? >> yes. we have not confirmed anything like that. >> perry kostidakis, the sports editor. thank you for that reporting and insight. we will check in with you later this morning as we get more information about just what happened there. the dangerous situation has
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ended. you have three people in hospital and dead gunman. we will continue to following that breaking news. meantime, an explosive battle over immigration is about to erupt on capitol hill. president obama preparing to reveal his plan for overhauling the immigration system. he will do that in primetime tonight. he is expected to rewrite the rules for deportation. he will do it all without congress. here is the president explaining what he is doing and why he is doing it in his post on his facebook page. >> so what i will be laying out is the things i can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better as i continue to work with congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill to solve the problem. >> now the president's decision to bypass congress by executive authority has republicans in an uproar. let's get more on the plan and the reaction with white house correspondent michelle kosinski.
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>> reporter: christine, we know tonight the president will take the momentous executive action on immigration. it could affect at least 3 million people possibly up to 5 million. what this would do, it is not a path to citizenship. it is temporary and renewable. it gives people the right to stay in america without being deported and the right to work here. according to sources, it would affect the parents of children who are already american citizens or have a legal basis to stay here provided the parents have been here for a period of years. we don't know the parameters. it is also likely this would expand the same allowances that were granted by president obama in 2012 to people brought to america illegally as children known as dreamers. but, those sources say, this would likely not extend to the parents of those dreamers. that has led some groups to complain already that president obama's action is not going far
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enough and then on the other hand, you have fiercely angry republicans who have called president obama emperor obama and threatened lawsuits to defunding parts of the budget to allow the executive action to work. even impeachment. the white house says it is confident that this executive action has a strong legal foundation and that it will be fully implemented. christine. >> michelle kosinski. thanks. the white house released this photo of the president working on the speech. the president addresses the nation at 8:00. you can see it here on cnn. now to buffalo where they are buried beneath six feet of snow. this epic lake-effect storm has killed seven people. another two feet of snow could be on the ground by tomorrow. the governor andrew cuomo declaring a state of emergency for a region that is simply overwhelmed. >> we are bringing in hundreds
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of pieces of equipment from throughout the state. we asked neighboring states for equipment. >> just look at the scene in the buffalo suburbs. emergency crews cannot get through the mountains of snow to reach the abandoned cars. for those who managed to get out of their homes, there is a lot of shoveling to do. they are not going anywhere anytime soon because plows are nowhere in sight. >> at this point, there is so much snow, it is hard to plow. we are not plowing it. we are hauling it out and lifting it with high lifts and putting in pay loaders and removing it from south buffalo. at this point, probably over 300 truckloads of snow have been removed. >> there is so much snow on the ground, the sheer weight of it all is buckling homes. listen to this woman describing what happened at the height of the storm. >> it was absolutely a pressure from the snow.
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some of it also came down from the roof and when it did, it blew the doors right across my living room. >> blew the doors right in. i want to go live to buffalo this morning. i want to bring in meteorologist jennifer gray. when you look at the snowfall totals, it is almost like a misprint. i can't believe how much snow is there and more is coming. >> reporter: you are exactly right. they are seeing totals they get for the entire year. you are seeing it in a 24-to-48 hour period. you are exactly right. people from here are saying we have never seen anything like this. people lived here their entire lives through the blizzard of '77. when we drove in about an hour and a half ago, you could see absolutely nothing. visibility was zero. that's what these lake-effect showers can do. right now, the snow has let up just a little bit, but it is still very cold and very windy. so we're going to get a lot of blowing snow as well. look at the dump trucks. you remember him talking about
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how they are putting it -- bulldozers. putting it in the dump trucks. this is a staging area. the guys are slowly trickling in. they will get in the bulldozers and start to take the snow and haul it off again for today. look at this. this parking lot has been plowed several times. there is still about 6 inches of snow on the ground. this is the difference in something that has been plowed and something that hasn't been plowed. this is what most people's yards look like. snow as tall as i am. look at these cars. completely buried under the snow. you see this all over south of buffalo, which is cars completely under the snow. most likely going to be this weekend before they get these cars out. this entire parking lot, i would say, has about 50 cars in it. they all look like that. just completely buried under the snow, christine. it has been unreal. we have the lake-effect snow warning in effect all the way through the wee hours of
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tomorrow. we're expecting snow to keep up here south of buffalo and points south of where we are. it could pick up an additional 2 to 3 feet of snow. if that happens, we will be breaking records left and right. it will definitely be one to remember. it already is. unfortunately, proven deadly. that will be the fear for us today. we have the snow adding weight and it could possibly buckle inside people's homes. that's the fear moving forward. >> two other warnings here. people who get in their cars covered with snow. they turn on the cars and the exhaust pipe is clogged and they could have carbon monoxide poisoning. just to be careful. sit it out, folks. and be careful. thank you, jennifer. indra petersons will have the latest on the forecast.
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>> we have seen jen standing in it several inches per hour falling on her head. then visuals like this. times a few days ago, you could look across lake erie from buffalo and lines and inches dumping feet. this is what is on your minds. why? you need that across the entire lake. it has to do with the wind direction. we saw the lake-effect snow line move farther to the north as the winds started to die down. you had a breather and light snow make its way through. now that next line is making its way through again. another round of cold air. another round of lake-effect snow expected to dump another 2 feet of snow. all of this has to do with the fact the lakes are not frozen yet. the warm water of the lakes. that is warmer than the cold air above. you get instability. cold air wants to sink.
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warm air wants to rise. you have the winds going all across the lakes dumping all that snow at the end of the lakes. it has to do with the wind direction. we keep talking about this. you need that fetch over the entire lake. the more distance you have, the more wind direction you will get. this is the key when i show you this. look at the totals. the difference here based on where you are location in the wind. 67 inches in some places. a few miles away, only several inches. this is the story today. another 2 feet. record setting snow headed in jen's direction. indra petersons, thank you so much for that. a ray of sunshine among the buffalo snow. take a look at her. 6 pound 2 ounce miracle named lucy. her mom went into labor tuesday morning just as the storm hit her buffalo neighborhood. beth's husband knew they were in a jam. his wife in labor.
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he spotted a firefighter helping a stranded motorist outside his home. he knew what he had to do. listen to jared tell anderson cooper. >> he was helping a woman. you know, we came together through the woman and she overheard my conversation with the lieutenant. which was my wife was in labor. she said i'm a nurse and i'm a labor and delivery nurse. the lieutenant said, you're coming with us. >> wait, the stranded driver who the lieutenant was helping when you got there, that stranded driver was a labor and delivery nurse? >> yeah. >> that's amazing. >> that is amazing. that stranded nurse stayed with beth for hours until firefighters were able to evacuate her. you know, they could not get to a hospital because stranded cars blocked the way. they brought her to the firehouse where lucy grace came into the world at 9:31 p.m. on tuesday night.
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best of luck. what a great story. all right. 14 minutes past the hour. we are following breaking news this morning. a college campus on lockdown after a gunman reportedly opens fire inside a library. we have detailing coming in here. we will bring them to you as we learn more. more fallout for bill cosby. nbc pulling the plug on his new sitcom among new allegations of rape. the very latest ahead.
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breaking overnight. gunfire overnight on the campus of florida state university in tallahassee. the school put out an alert after shots rang out in the school's main library. three people being treated for gunshot wounds. the unidentified gunman was shot and killed by campus police after refusing to put down his weapon. stay with cnn for the latest
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from florida state. more fallout this morning from rape allegations against bill cosby. nbc has killed an upcoming project with cosby and tv land pulled reruns of "the cosby show." a stunning fall from the comedian who faced decades of allegations. the 77-year-old continues to deny rape charges through his attorney. when an accuser said if cosby did apologize, it's too late. >> i never heard any remorse in the times after each episode that we had together. each incident. when he called after them, i heard no remorse in his voice. i think it would be disingenuous for him to all of a sudden apologize or say i'm sorry. i was wrong. i don't think the man has it in his nature. >> cosby has a scheduled
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performance friday night in florida. another security scare at the white house. officials say the secret service arrested an iowa man who had an unregistered rifle and ammunition in his car. he approached officers on foot at a white house gate and said someone had told him to go there. agents searched his car a block away. they found the rifle and ammunition. he is being held for illegal weapon possession. other charges are expected. big weekend of nfl football on tap. including an in-state battle with the jets and the bills. but with 220,000 tons of snow on the field in buffalo, will they be able to play a game? andy scholes has the bleacher report next. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hidden threats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪
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you've always wished for, now for an exceptional price. [ho, ho, ho, ho] lease the 2015 ml350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. all right. all that snow, the record snow storm pummeling the buffalo area could hamper the game on sunday. andy scholes has more. >> four feet of snow has been dumped on the stadium. they could get another three feet. that will make cleaning up the stadium in time for sunday's game a difficult task. the bills estimate 220,000 tons of snow needs to be removed before the game. that's a lot of snow. the bills are asking for help. they are offering fans $10 an hour and free game tickets if they can come help shovel the snow. according to reports, if they cannot get the stadium ready in
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time, it could be postponed until monday or tuesday. the spurs traveling to cleveland to take on lebron and the cavaliers. spurs up late. tony parker to tim duncan. that gives san antonio a lead. lebron had a chance to win the game, but turns it over. spurs win 92-90. cavaliers are 5-5 to start the season. the next highlight is the most epic fail in the nba for a very long time. tied in overtime. the clear pass and he misses the layup that would have won the game. reaction from his teammates priceless. christine, lucky for knight, the bucks won the game in triple overtime. >> good for him. >> or he would have never lived that down. >> the headline.
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wow. sometimes you can do it a million times. the one time you do it wrong. thanks, andy scholes. breaking news overnight. a gunman opening fire inside a florida state university libr y library. we have new information that we will bring to you next. vo: you get used to pet odors in your car. you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> breaking news this morning. a gunman opening fire inside florida state university's crowded library. campus locked down. three people hospitalized.
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what we're learning this morning ahead. welcome back to "early start." i am christine romans. a dramatic scene in the florida state university main library. a shootout as campus police confront a gunman telling him to drop his weapon. >> instead of complying with their commands, the gunman, in turn, fired a shot at the officers and they returned fire killing the suspect. >> we saw this guy running saying someone has a gun. run! at first we thought it was a joke. again, we were a little flustered, but we didn't do much. we saw a group of people running with tears down their eyes and sprinting down the library. at that point, i dropped everything i was doing and started sprinting with them. with a group of people, we hid under several desks and there were people pacing around the room and we didn't really know what to do. we came up with the idea to barricade the doors.
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so nothing would happen or make it difficult for anyone to come in, we cleared off a bunch of study tables and barricaded the doors with it. >> police say there are three shooting victims in the hospital this morning. i want to bring in cnn's nick valencia on his way to tallahassee to cover this story. nick, withhat can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning, christine. a frightening scene. three people shot and injured. we know that right now. we know the gunman is shot and killed. believed to be by campus police. the saddest of the three injured, one is in critical condition. we are waiting to get more information on those still hospitalized. the shooting took place around midnight at strozier library on campus. over 300 people were in that
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library according to witnesses. i spoke to alex levine. he described a scene of havoc and mad house and chaos for 30 or 45 minutes. he said he saw an officer show up in full riot gear and s.w.a.t. gear. he said it was very, very scary for everyone there because they just didn't know what was happening. he said at one point there was a brief search for what was thought of as a second gunman, but that was a rumor. they believe at this point this is the only person which was the shooter who has been shot and killed. currently no threat to campus. the students tell me the scene was one of confusion. people running around. losing shoes running from the scene. the person i spoke to a while ago, he just left after a long night involved in the incident. he is still on edge and very frightened. what we know, though, christine,
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there will be a 6:00 a.m. news conference from tallahassee police department. we hope to get more updates on the shooter and of course the motive. the why. why did this happen? this is the question students are asking this morning. >> the shooter is dead, nick? three people in the hospital. we assume students in the hospital, although some reports one of the people in the hospital may be a security guard. weapon don't kn we don't know if the shooter was a student. interesting, nick, it was finals week. it was a crowded library. someone wanted to have maxim maximum impact. >> reporter: absolutely. the student i spoke with had a metabolics test. anyone that was going to take a test, the tests had been canceled. any classes for florida state
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university have been canceled. employees, though, are still going to show up to work today, christine. lots of questions we hope to get more answers to at the 6:00 a.m. news conference coming up in 28 minutes. >> and tweeting classes are canceled for fsu students here today. nick, as you pointed out, witnesses were describing 35 minutes of chaos. i will say generally when you have school shooting situations, it can be hours before you have the dangerous situation contained. this happened at 12:30 and by 3:0 3:0 3:00, campus police had the shooter. nick, thank you for that. best of luck reporting on that story. the other big story we are following this morning. republicans and democrats bracing for an epic partisan battle over immigration. president obama ready to reveal
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his plan for overhauling the immigration system. he will do it in primetime tonight. he is expected to rewrite the rules. this will affect millions of undocumented immigrants. he is doing it without congress. listen to the president explain on his facebook page what he is doing and why. >> what i'll layout is the things i can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better even as i continue to work with congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill to solve the problem. >> the president's decision to bypass congress by executive authority has republicans in an uproar. let's get more on the plan and reaction from the white house correspondent michelle kosinski. >> reporter: christine, we know tonight the president will take this momentous executive action on immigration. it could affect at least 3 million people, possibly up to 5 million. what this would do is it is not
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a path to citizenship. it is temporary and renewable. it would give people the right to stay in america without being deported and the right to work here. according to sources, it would affect the parents of children who are already american citizens or have a legal basis to stay here. provided the parents had been in america for a period of years. we don't know exactly what the parameters are. it is likely this would expand the same kinds of allowances granted by president obama in 2012 to people who are brought to america illegally as children known as dreamers. sources say this would not extend to parents of dreamers. that led some groups to complain that president obama's action is not going far enough and on the other hand, you have fiercely angry republicans who called president obama emperor obama and threatened everything from law suits to defunding parts of the budget to allow the
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executive action to work and even impeachment. the white house is confident the executive action has a strong legal foundation and it will be fully implemented. christine. >> thank you, michelle. the white house released this photo of the president working on his speech. the speech will air on cnn at 8:00 p.m. more snow falling on bruised and battered buffalo. a monster lake-effect storm has killed seven people and up to two more feet of snow is on the way. governor andrew cuomo declaring a state of emergency for the region that is shutdown and overwhelmed. emergency crews simply cannot get through the mountains of snow to reach hundreds of abandoned cars stopped in tracks by the storm. let's go to buffalo where meteorologist jennifer gray.
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a big departure for you from atlanta to be up in 6 feet of snow, my dear. >> reporter: it is quite a change from home. this is something that even people in buffalo can't believe. you know they are used to a lot of snow, but they say this is unprecedented. we could be setting all kinds of records, christine. almost an entire year's worth of snow falling in 24-to-48 hours. we are at a staging area where the bulldozers are because they are literally scooping this snow up and hauling it out. you see it back here. the guys are already out. we got here this morning around 4:00. visibility was zero. you could not see anything. plows were still out there trying to take care of the roads. this is a parking lot that has been plowed many, many times. there's probably 6 inches of snow underneath me that is packed down. there's so many streets south of buffalo that look like this.
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this is not a snow mound because of a plow. this is actual snow that has fallen and this is how much snow we are looking at all over. some areas have even more. we could see an additional 2 to 3 feet. so many people find their cars like this. completely underneath the snow. in this parking lot, there are probably 50 cars like this that are just going to have to dig out in the next couple of days. we are expecting to get rain on saturday. that could pose a problem. christine, this is very serious. we had seven deaths as you said. now the concern, more people could be in danger as the snow continues to fall and roofs could collapse from the weight of the snow. gas lines could break as well. it is not over yet here in buffalo. >> be careful getting in the buried cars and turning on the car. careful about carbon monoxide poisoning. watch your elderly relatives.
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jennifer, thank you for that. let's get to meteorologist indra petersons. she is tracking the storm bringing us more. >> great shot behind jen. you see the wind picking up behind her. the snow is so light because it is so cold, any amount of wind can bring visibility down to zero. it blows the snow around. if it is not falling out of the sky, but more will be falling again today. another band of lake-effect snow to produce another 2 feet of snow in the exact same hardest hit areas. what are we looking at? buffalo. you see yesterday they started to get a breather from the lake-effect snow. it tapered off throughout the day. light snow from the cold front. now the long line over the lakes again. another band is now under way. here is what is going on. you have the warm temperature of the lake and cold air above it. they want to flip. cold air wants to sink. you have the instability and the winds over the lakes produce the
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instability and converge all of the snowfall toward the end of the lake. another way to look at it is the direction of the lake or wind. the wind going across the fetch of the lake. the more snow you will have at the end of the lake. this is the reason we are talking about this huge variety in the totals. you are talking about some places 67 inches. just a few miles away, only 3 inches of snow. that's the reason some people are getting a breather. the winds shift a bit and here it goes again. >> here it goes again. thank you. breaking news this morning. a gunman opening fire inside a college campus library. three people wounded. the new information we're learning ahead. new fallout for bill cosby and more women come forward claiming the legendary comedian
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raped them. brian steltzer is breaking it down next. hop with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud.
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breaking news. gunfire on the campus of florida state university in tallahassee. three people treated in the hospital for gunshot wounds. officers say the unidentified gunman was shot and killed by police after firing at him. classes are canceled today. stay with cnn for continuing coverage. more fallout this morning
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from rape allegations against comedian bill cosby. nbc has killed a project with cosby and tv land has stopped airing reruns of "the cosby show." i want to bring in senior media correspondent brian stelter. are these companies doing right thing to pull? his reputation right now is really tarnished. >> it seems the companies had to distance themselves from cosby. if they wanted to go forward with the projects or not. a wrinkle with nbc. a deal like this, he had developed a project with nbc since the beginning of the year. when nbc walks away like that, they had to pay cosby $1 million. i have seen that as the quoted number. i have seen a darned if you do and darned if you don't for the companies. it makes sense they backed away. 24 hours, netflix walks away
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from the special they will air and nbc and tv land pulled reruns of "the cosby show" that aired for years. they took it off the schedule and deleted the show off the web page. all of the corporate relationships are gone. >> let's talk about this. we are looking at the newspapers this morning. the front page of five of the seven newspapers has a story or picture of bill cosby. this story is -- this guy is america's dad from the '80s, right? these are very graphic allegations, but nothing has happened in court. some of the allegations are decades old. what happens from here? is his reputation tarnished irreparably? >> i personally think he does and will continue to have a base of fans that love him and support him and will want to go to his comedy specials. he is still performing. >> on friday, a sold out show. >> i think the corporate
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relationships are more challenging. this is on the new york daily news. "it is time for america's dad to talk." this is the editorial. the tone we have seen in the media coverage. what is bill cosby going to say? silence doesn't seem to be an option. he has been silent for a long time. >> do you think it would be advisable for him to say something before his show? >> the other development overnight, the associated press came out with a couple of weeks old interviewed about the art donations. an ap reporter asked about the donations. he declined to comment. he badgered the reporter saying you are not going to show that or air that. that kind of behavior is only going to worsen this for him. especially since ap shared that video. it ups the stakes further if he is shown to be trying so hard not to comment on this. >> brian, really interesting.
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a story that continues to evolve. thanks for that. 48 minutes past the hour. tensions rising in israel. fears of religious war breaking out after a deadly synagogue attack. we are live there next. man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves. and the best move of all? having the right partner at my side. it's so much better that way. [ male announcer ] have the right partner at your side. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long.
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. e financial noise financial noise financial noise
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tension is building in the middle east with israel reviving the policy of demolishing the homes of terrorist attackers.
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in east jerusalem, tearing down a home of a man who was accused of killing and woman and a baby. after tuesday's brutal murders in a synagogue, the policies are back. we have atika shubert with more on the story. >> reporter: we have seen one home demolished. it is a flat in a building and they have taken great pains to he evnsure the demolition has taken place. the israeli government said they will continue the demolition for other attackers. >> atika shubert for us in jerusalem. thank you. general motors sued by the state of arizona claiming the auto giant concealed safety defects putting drivers at risk. we have an "early start" on your
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there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. all right. let's get an early start on your money. are you suffering from record fatigue? stocks have not been shattering records, but barely scraping highs. dow closed down two points from tuesday's record. s&p 500 inched back. futures pointing lower right now. we could see stocks retreat a bit from the highs. look for the year, the s&p 500 is up 11%. most analysts expect small gains through the end of the year. uber's suggested media campaign back firing.
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uber executives targeting editor sarah lacy. she says it is not enough. uber and ceo need to be held accountable for questionable behavior. she pointed to assault complaints from female riders. a bit of a pr issue at the moment for uber. breaking news this morning. a gunman opening fire inside a florida state university library. we have all of the breaking developments on that story. "new day" takes it from here. breaking news, a campus shooting at florida state university, a gunman opens fire inside the library, overnight as students study for finals. three people injured before the gunman was killed by campus police. we have students describing what happened and the latest on who did it and why.
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president obama, tonight previews his plan to shield millions of illegal immigrants from being deported. republicans are promising a battle. details ahead. one project after another getting pulled from comedian bill cosby. is his image as america's favorite dad tarnished by sexual assault allegations? where does this leave his career? your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day," with chris cuomo, kate boldaun and michaela pereira. good morning, welcome to "new day," it's thursday, november 20th, just about 6:00 in the east, chris cuomo and alisyn camerota here with news overnight of a mass shooting at florida state university. campus police confronting the gunman, they say he failed to drop the weapon, turned it on them and was killed. >> three people were injured, all of this happened at fsu's
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main library as students were studying for final exams. we've learned that all classes and exams today have been canceled. the ints dent, a living nightmare for students trapped and their parents hearing the news miles away. cnn's susan candiotti following the breaking developments. >> picture this -- students hitting the books, hitting the books and studying for exams at fsu's campus in the library and the last thing they expect is this -- bullets flying. breaking overnight. >> are you serious? oh, my god, are you okay? >> moments of fear inside this florida state university library. one fsu student capturing it on cell phone video. >> this is the tallahassee police department. and the fsu police department, there has been a shooting in the library. stay where you are. >> it was just before 12:30 this morning when an unidentified gunman opened fire. >> as you know, somebody has a gun. we


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